About AusFence

AusFence is a specially designed program for children aged 5 to 7. It uses games and fun exercises to introduce the basics of fencing to young children. AusFence kids can keep participating in the courses as long as they keep having fun!

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AUSFence Mini is a specially designed program for children aged 5 to 7. It uses games and fun exercises to introduce the basics of fencing to young children.

AUSFence Mini doesn’t have any levels or progressions – kids can keep participating in the courses as long as they keep having fun.

AUSFence Level 1 Courses are introductory level courses which teach students the basics of fencing. The courses are generally 8-10 sessions in length, and develop fundamental fencing skills such as advancing, retreating, lunging and parrying.

The Level 1 Course has a core set of skills which students master before progressing to the next level. Different clubs or coaches may offer Level 1 courses in different disciplines depending on preference, but the fundamental skills are very similar.

Epee, Foil or Sabre

AUSFence Level 2 Courses refines the fundamental skills encountered in the Level 1 Course as well as introducing some more difficult ones.

Each Level 2 Course is specific to a particular weapon and focuses on the techniques and actions appropriate to that discipline. Again there is a set of skills which students need to master for Level 2 before progressing to the next stage in that weapon.

Epee, Foil or Sabre

AUSFence Level 3 Courses are the highest stage in the AUSFence – they focus on refining and developing the skills learnt in the earlier courses.

Once students have mastered the skills of the Level 3 Course in a particular weapon, they can progress onto AUSFence courses focusing on other disciplines or move into regular club training sessions.

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