Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our most frequently asked questions below.

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Boys & Girls


All Ability Activitys Available (AAA)
AFF AusFence is the best fun kids can have being active! In weekly sessions kids will explore the world of Fencing, building fencing skills and playing in a safe and super fun setting. Expect small groups, heaps of games and parent/guardian involvement.
Go to the activity locator search either your postcode, suburb or AFF AusFence activity name. If you have any issues or would like to start a new activity please email ??

Registrations open at different times around Australia. State/Territory specific timelines can be found below:


Costs for AFF AusFence varies between locations and activities. If you go to our website ?? and find the activity you wish to register for it will display the price on the locator.
Unfortunately, not. Our AFF AusFence registration fee is a flat fee and there is no reduction if you have missed a couple of weeks.
Children can start playing AFF AusFence in the year that they turn 7. Children can participate in AusFence until they are 12, however, some States and Territories have different pathway options.
Yes, we do. We have some girls only activities and some activities that run girls only groups. You can search for these locations. For further assistance please contact our AusFence customer service team at ??
Yes, but few, we have some activities that have listed themselves as access all abilities. You can search for these locations via We are also happy to contact activities on your behalf to provide the coordinator more information about your child or assist in finding a great place to fence. For further assistance please contact our AusFence customer service team at ??
For any community/club AusFence activities an adult needs to be present for your child for the duration of the session. We love all parents/guardians to assist at AusFence so why not get involved in your child’s group.
Sessions will vary on their length depending on your activity. Most activities will run for 50-90 minutes.
Each activity has a AFF AusFence coordinator who runs the administration side of each activity. Each age group will have a main coach and helper coaches. All parents/guardians are encouraged to get involved in AFF AusFence and no experience is necessary.
There is no set uniform for AusFence sessions, just ensure your child is comfortable to be able to participate in all activities. We recommend sports clothing and runners.
Yes. Simply email ?? and we will help to find you a new AusFence Activity. There is no cost to transfer but the new AusFence Activity does need to approve the transfer. The AFF AusFence customer service team will be able to sort out this approval for you.

Changed your email?

Please email [email protected] with your child’s name, address and the activity they are registered at and your old email address and the new email address you would like entered.

Never registered before?

If you are having issues please contact [email protected]

Yes, at the start of the registration process it will ask you to select the number of children you are registering. Simply select multiple children which will allow you to pay for all at once.
You can pay for AusFence online via credit card or debit card at the end of the registration process. Cash payment directly to your AusFence activity is not an accepted method of payment.

There are several State/Territory Governments that provide vouchers to participants to reduce the cost of participation in children’s sport. The following States/Territories have sports vouchers:

  • Northern Territory
  • New South Wales
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Western Australia

You will be given the option on the AusFence registration form to redeem these vouchers at the point of registration.

We are sorry to hear about this! Please contact our team at ?? to get this sorted for you.
Information about the insurance scheme for AFF AusFence can be found here.
We sure do. You can click here to read about our refund policy in the terms of participation.
If you click here it will tell you everything you need to know.

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